
Title insurance

TITLE INSURANCE – Team up with your title company for a seamless experience

What is title insurance?A title insurance policy protects your legal rights over the property, occupancy, use, control, and disposition of the property.Why is it different to transfer title to property than it is to transfer different kinds of items such as a car?The transfer of property can be complicated because land is permanent but its use and the rights to use it can change over the years.What is a...

Real Estate Calabasas

Now is a Good Time to Buy a Vacation Home!

Every year around this time, many homeowners begin the process of preparing their homes in case of extreme winter weather. Some others skip winter all together by escaping to their vacation homes in a warmer climate. For those homeowners staying at their first residence, AccuWeather warns: “The late-week cold shot should fade next week, but this is a warning shot for winter’s return late in the month...

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