homes for sale

Woodranch Properties

Wood Ranch Simi Valley Homes for Sale

Wood Ranch in Simi Valley is an absolutely beautiful and serene location to buy a home! Not to mention, this area in Southern California has excellent weather year round and is located in a city that was ranked fifth happiest city in the United States. In this specific location of Simi Valley

Condos Auburn Lane

Are Zillow Zestimates y?

According to Zillow: The Zestimate® (pronounced ZEST-ti-met, rhymes with estimate) home valuation is Zillow’s estimated market value, computed using a proprietary formula. It is not an appraisal. It is a starting point in determining a home’s value. The Zestimate is calculated from public and user submitted data;

Good news sent to me by email

The housing market in California looked mostly sunny in May with strong sales and stabilizing home prices, the California Association of Realtors (C.A.R.) reported Friday. A release from C.A.R. showed that home prices in the state posted gains for the third consecutive month

3414 Granite Peak – Home for Sale

This home has recently been put on the market and it will go fast! Located in Plum Creek of Big Sky in Simi Valley California. This home is in an ideal neighborhood for any family. With beautiful surroundings this gorgeous

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